Kube vs. the competition


Connect Kube in 15 minutes or less
Simply use your existing faucet
Get the full flow you expect from your faucet
Maximize filter life with Kube's patented filter life indicator


Or spend an afternoon laboring through a complicated installation
Or drill through your countertop to install a second one
Or settle for constricted flow and water pressure
Or change filters prematurely based on elapsed time, not actual use



Get full flow from your existing faucet
Keep your current faucet looking great
Confidently connect Kube to any faucet


Or waste time with limited flow and water pressure
Or ruin its look with a contraption
Or spend time researching your faucet's compatibility with the filter



Change your filters once a year
Tuck Kube away under your sink
Enjoy limitless, full-flow, filtered water from your faucet
Get filtered water on demand


Or once a month
Or take up valuable space on your counter and in your fridge
Or sentence yourself to endless fill-ups
Or wait to filter it drip by drip




Get clean, hassle-free water straight from your faucet
Simply turn on your faucet
Tuck Kube away under your sink
Buy one filter set 


Or schedule inconvenient deliveries; make frequent trips to the store 
Or wrestle with 5-gallon jugs and 24 packs 
Or waste precious storage space on those bulky jugs and bottles
Or 12,694 plastic bottles of water*

 *16.9 ounce bottles

2025 Kinetico Incorporated. All rights reserved.